"And to this day, [those] who...know the self as I am Brahman [IS-ness], become all this universe. Even the gods [any other dimensional beings] cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self. ...if a man worships another deity thinking: He is one and I am another, he does not know. He [who does not know] is like a sacrificial animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away! Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this [that they are IS-ness]." Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I.iv.10



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Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Five Pillars of the Elitist Parasite's Deranged Mindset

Only by understanding how their minds work can we hope to dismantle their power structures and create a more just and equitable society.

You will have no conscience, no dignity, and no integrity, and you will rule the world.

The naive masses cling to the comforting delusion that "evil" is a subjective, ambiguous concept, desperately wanting to believe that all destructive and malicious behavior stems from a bad environment, poor upbringing, or mental illness.

They find it more palatable when deviance is committed in the name of misguided "profit" or "status," as long as there is a readily understandable reason.

What truly terrifies the average person is not the abhorrent act of criminality itself, but rather criminality without an easily definable motive.

The possibility that some individuals inflict harm on others not because of parental mistreatment or psychological deficiencies clouding their judgment, but because,

they fully and consciously revel in their actions, is a concept too disturbing for most to contemplate.

Our society is desperate to make excuses for the monsters in our midst, perhaps because acknowledging the existence of a dark side to humanity that, if left unchecked, could take control in a deliberate and calculated manner, is too unsettling to bear.

This willful blindness explains why the greatest crimes of our time often go unnoticed by the public.

The notion that international financiers and political elites would purposely orchestrate economic disparity, social chaos, and global war out of a twisted desire for centralized power and a disturbed sense of superiority is simply too overwhelming for many to accept.

They would rather cling to the comforting illusion that these terrible events throughout modern history are merely the result of random coincidence and human error.

However, this is far from the truth. In reality, the majority of catastrophic cultural policies and tragedies can be traced directly back to a particular subset of individuals who abuse their positions of influence for nefarious purposes, knowingly engineering calamity not just for personal gain, but for the benefit of their "social class."

On this Substack, we often refer to this group as "Globalists" or "Elitists" - or sometimes "parasites"...!

They infiltrate the highest echelons of our nation, possessing a culture entirely separate and disparate from our own.

Upon examining their literature, initiatives, and motives, one would discover a world driven by outlandish goals and an even more outlandish brand of religious fervor.

These individuals are not the benevolent leaders they portray themselves to be; rather, they are calculating manipulators who exploit the masses for their own gain, with no regard for the suffering they leave in their wake.

It is time for the public to wake up and recognize the true nature of these elitists, instead of making excuses for their actions or dismissing their existence altogether.

Only by understanding how their minds work can we hope to dismantle their power structures and create a more just and equitable society.


The Global Elitists, in their unbridled arrogance, see themselves as a superior breed of human being, a class elevated above the rest of us mere mortals.

They fancy themselves as the modern incarnation of Plato's "Philosopher Kings," believing that they alone possess the genetic predisposition to leadership, while the average person is too intellectually stunted to determine their own destiny.

These self-appointed rulers view humanity as nothing more than a blank canvas, upon which they, as the master artists, are entitled to impose their will. They seek to mold society according to their whims and manipulate social dichotomies to serve their own interests, all under the guise of benevolent guidance.

In truth, these elitists are no more intelligent than the rest of us...

Their supposed superiority is derived solely from their inherited positions of wealth and influence, which they mistake for innate greatness.

Their ability to shape society is not a result of their intellectual prowess, but rather a product of their vast financial resources and their utter lack of moral constraints.

Were it not for their membership in the top 0.1% of the world's wealthy, their actions would rightly be condemned as those of common criminals.

However, in our deeply flawed society, money all too often buys undue respect and immunity from consequences.

To truly understand the nature of these Global Elitists, one must imagine a private club comprised of individuals with the moral depravity of John Wayne Gacy or Charles Manson, but with 80% of the world's wealth at their disposal and the means to purchase good publicity and legal immunity.

This is the terrifying reality we face, a cabal of psychopaths masquerading as visionaries, shielded by their immense fortunes and the corrupt system they have created to serve their interests.

"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species.

A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton."

-Bertrand Russell (The Impact of Science on Society (1953) pgs. 49-59)

"Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted,

'I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain'."

Zbigniew Brezinski

'Between Two Ages - America's Role in the Technetronic Era' 1970


The Elitists have come to view conscience as a hindrance to success rather than a virtue to be cherished.

They willfully abandon their moral compass, seeing it as an unnatural restriction that impedes their ability to achieve their goals.

However, Conscience never truly disappears, and in order to reconcile their reprehensible mindset with the distant nagging sensation of guilt, they resort to the tired justification that their actions serve the "greater good."

They desperately cling to the belief that they are the architects of mankind's future, and that we should be grateful for their heavy-handed guidance, even as their actions betray a deep-seated malevolence.

In a twisted attempt to assuage their own moral dysfunction, the Elitists seek to normalize criminality and erode the very foundations of morality itself.

They endeavor to convince the masses that right and wrong are merely subjective constructs, open to interpretation and subject to the whims of those in power.

By undermining the innate moral compass that resides within each of us, they hope to create a world in which their own monstrosity becomes the accepted norm, and those who adhere to a higher moral standard are cast as outcasts and criminals.

To maintain their facade of righteousness, the Elitists often wrap themselves in the cloak of a particular belief system, playing the role of the benevolent savior while their true nature remains hidden.

They engage in elaborate theater, presenting a carefully crafted image to the world, all the while working to consolidate their power and control.

It is only when they believe their position is unassailable that the mask begins to slip, revealing the true depths of their depravity...

Elitists view conscience as a shackle on their personal freedom, rebelling against it as if it were a form of enslavement.

In their shortsightedness, they fail to recognize that conscience is a gift, one that has thus far prevented humanity from plunging into the abyss of self-destruction.

It is not a prison, but rather a safeguard against our own worst impulses...

This pursuit of zero conscience is not only a grave threat to the moral fabric of society but also a direct assault on the very essence of what it means to be human.

It is a worldview that reduces individuals to mere pawns in a game of power, stripped of their agency and dignity.

It is a philosophy that elevates the desires of a select few above the well-being of the many, and it is a path that can only lead to,

-the erosion of trust

-the decay of social bonds

-the ultimate collapse of civilized society...


The top globalists, while ardently promoting collectivism for the masses, often embrace an extreme form of individualism for themselves.

They rarely discuss their twisted ideal of "pure individualism" devoid of self-discipline, instead opting to publicly champion the collectivist lifestyle while condemning individualism among the common people as "selfish" or "narcissistic."

This blatant hypocrisy serves to maintain their power and control, as they manipulate the masses into surrendering their autonomy for the supposed 'greater good'.

Many people erroneously equate "collectivism" with "community," a confusion stemming from a lack of understanding and experience.

Community is a voluntary association of individuals who come together for mutual aid and support, while collectivism is the forced aggregation of people, often under the threat of violence or loss, with the aim of consolidating power in the hands of a select few.

It is the systematic destruction of individualism under the guise of "protecting the group."

In contemporary America, genuine community is rapidly disappearing, while the alleged "benefits" of collectivism are being touted by the global elite.

By convincing the population that they are merely products of their environment, devoid of inherent qualities and characteristics, the elites can manipulate the masses into relinquishing all power to those who promise the most favorable circumstances.

When individuals lose faith in their own agency and self-responsibility, they inevitably seek protection from external sources, often in the form of a nanny government or dictatorship.

This insidious process of stripping away self-determination from the populace has a sinister end goal:

the establishment of a World Government and the attainment of total domination...

The globalists' promotion of collectivism is not a benevolent endeavor, but rather a calculated strategy to erode individual liberty and consolidate their own power.

By fostering a culture of dependence and conformity, they aim to create a population that is easily controlled and manipulated, one that will willingly surrender its freedoms for the illusion of security and stability.

To combat this agenda, we must reassert the value of individualism and self-reliance, while also fostering genuine communities based on voluntary cooperation and mutual respect.

We must reject the false dichotomy of collectivism versus selfishness, recognizing that true individualism is not about narcissism, but rather about taking responsibility for one's own life and contributing to society on one's own terms.

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."

-Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, 1992.


The concept of the "noble lie," so fervently embraced by the elitists, is a pernicious and condescending notion that undermines the very fabric of truth and trust in society.

This idea, which asserts that, lying to the masses is acceptable if it serves a supposedly "positive goal," is nothing more than a misguided attempt by the ruling class to manipulate and control the population.

The elitists, in their unbridled arrogance, believe that, the average citizen is too simpleminded to comprehend the complexities of political and social issues, and therefore, must be deceived for their own good.

Of course, their definition of what is best for society always seems to align perfectly with their own self-serving interests.

The noble lie is a logical fallacy of such immense proportions that one cannot help but wonder if the global elitists themselves truly believe in its legitimacy, or if they are merely peddling their own brand of snake oil.

If an idea requires deception to gain acceptance, it stands to reason that there must be something fundamentally flawed and reprehensible about it.

Ideas that possess genuine vitality and integrity do not need to be "sold" to the public through underhanded tactics and manipulation: the truth has a way of standing on its own merits and resonating with people's innate sense of reason and morality.

Only destructive and malignant philosophies require a foundation of lies and propaganda to take root and spread their influence.

The use of the noble lie is a hallmark of totalitarian regimes throughout history, from the propaganda machines of Nazi Germany to the cult of personality surrounding Communist dictators.

These oppressive systems relied on the systematic dissemination of falsehoods to maintain their grip on power, eroding the public's ability to discern truth from fiction and fostering a climate of fear and confusion.

The embrace of the noble lie by the ruling class is not only an affront to the principles of honesty and integrity but also a grave threat to the very foundations of democracy.

A society built upon a web of deceit cannot long endure, as the trust between the governed and the governing erodes, and the social contract unravels.

"We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world.

All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands."

-Professor Arnold Toynbee in a June 1931 speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen.

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."

-Richard Salent, former president, CBS News,

'Bill Clinton: Friend or Foe'


The concept of population reduction, a central tenet of the globalist religion, is a disturbing and cynical worldview that reveals the true nature of the elitist mindset.

These self-appointed rulers not only consider themselves a superior species with a genetic predisposition for leadership, but they also view the rest of humanity as nothing more than cockroaches and "useless eaters" - a herd to be culled.

The bitter irony of the population reductionists is that, they always advocate for the death of others to supposedly save the planet, yet they never offer their own lives as a sacrifice for their so-called "greater good."

This hypocrisy stems from their arrogant belief that they are "too important" to be expendable, often citing their perceived intelligence as justification, while dismissing the lives of the masses as trivial and disposable.

The notion of overpopulation, however, is a myth that has been thoroughly debunked in numerous scientific circles. It is an oversold narrative pushed by those with an agenda to control and manipulate.

In reality, population expansion is not inherently negative; it brings with it a multitude of benefits.

A growing population means more minds working together to solve problems, driving technological advancement and spurring innovation through the survival imperative.

It forces us to develop more efficient methods of production and resource management, ultimately leading to progress and a better quality of life for all.

The advantages of growth are numerous and cannot be dismissed simply because they do not align with the elitists' dystopian vision.

At their core, the global elites do not genuinely care about the Earth or its inhabitants.

Their calls for population reduction are not motivated by a desire to reduce pollution, minimize our carbon footprint, protect endangered species, or conserve finite resources.

Instead, their true motives are far more sinister.

First and foremost, they are Eugenicists who believe in the inherent superiority of certain genetic lineages and seek to eliminate those they deem inferior.

Second, they recognize that a culled population is easier to control and dominate.

By reducing the number of minds working together to solve problems and challenge the status quo, they can more effectively consolidate their power and suppress any resistance to their authoritarian rule.

"A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

-Audubon magazine interview with Ted Turner, 1996.

"A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men. [...]

The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control.

The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births."

-John P. Holdren (Top Science Adviser to Barack Obama)

"Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend... One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other... One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God... They are defective seeds...

There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a 'natural death'...

We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow...

Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human - the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers - the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body.

We have no choice, dearly beloveds. Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are.

We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth.

He selects, we destroy.

We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.

We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God...

The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff.

This is the most painful period in the history of humanity..."

-Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard featured in the film 'THRIVE', a collectivist propaganda piece falsely presented as an attack on the elitist establishment.

The globalists, while a significant source of our social ills, are not the sole culprits responsible for our collective suffering.

We, too, must acknowledge our own role in enabling their malevolent agenda.

When we fail to remain vigilant, when we wallow in our own ignorance and refuse to educate ourselves, when we engage in self-deception and prioritize superficial desires over the greater good, we effectively roll out the red carpet for the forces of evil to infiltrate our society.

It is crucial to recognize that the capacity for both good and evil resides within each of us, and it is our individual and collective responsibility to nurture the former while actively resisting the latter.

However, it would be a grave mistake to dismiss the globalists as merely a collection of terrible individuals acting in isolation.

They have meticulously constructed an entire culture of deviance, a well-oiled machine of organized evil that poses an existential threat to the very fabric of our civilization.

This is not a problem that can be ignored or wished away; it demands our immediate attention and resolute action.

True heroes are defined not only by their unwavering commitment to the inner voice of truth but also by their courage to take a stand when that truth is under attack.

We must rise to the occasion and confront this challenge head-on, armed with the power of knowledge and the conviction of our principles.

It is our duty to educate others, to awaken them to the insidious nature of the globalist agenda, and to mobilize them in defense of our shared values.

When the time comes, and it will come, we must be prepared to put ourselves in harm's way to excise the globalist cancer from our society before it metastasizes and consumes everything we hold dear.

We cannot afford to be passive observers as they unleash their raging elitist fervor, leaving nothing but destruction and despair in their wake.

The fight against the globalists is not for the faint of heart, nor is it a battle that can be won through half-measures and compromise.

It requires unwavering resolve, moral clarity, and the willingness to confront uncomfortable truths head-on.

We must be prepared to challenge the entrenched power structures that enable their influence, even if it means facing ridicule, ostracism, or worse.

Will we rise to the challenge and reclaim our destiny, or will we succumb to complacency and allow the globalists to lead us down the path of ruin?

The choice is ours, and history will judge us by the actions we take in this defining moment.

Let us draw strength from the knowledge that we are on the right side of history, that our cause is just, and that the truth will ultimately prevail.

Let us stand together, united in our determination to expose the globalist agenda and build a better world for ourselves and future generations.

The road ahead may be long and arduous, but with courage, conviction, and an unwavering commitment to the truth, we will triumph over the forces of organized evil and secure a brighter future for all.

by A Lily Bit May 09, 2024 from ALilyBit Website


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Huge Miles Long Tower Of The Moon


This old satellite just detected a huge miles long tower after capturing HD images of the Moon. This miles long tower has been detected on the Moon. 

In the vast expanse of space, where the moon stands as a silent sentinel against the backdrop of the cosmos, lies a mystery that has captured the imagination of astronomers,believers in the unknown and curious minds alike. 

It's a mystery that centers around a towering structure, a colossal edifice reaching an astonishing 3.5 miles into the lunar sky, as revealed in images captured by Google Moon. 

The discovery of this mysterious tower sparked a frenzy of speculation and debate within the scientific community and beyond.

Unexplained Mysteries

Friday, December 8, 2023

The Stabilized Positive Timeline

In Cobra's Situation update from September it has been stated, quote:

"With the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in danger anymore, and positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized. This means that final victory of the Light and the liberation of this planet is absolutely secured, as there are no timelines with negative outcome remaining."

An absolutely stabilized timeline means:

-no WW3

-no entire destruction of the planet (since there are no more strangelet and toplet bombs anymore)

-no NWO 

-no reduction of the surface population down to 500 million.

Because, the lightforces have in the meanwhile enough supremacy to at least prevent the worst. So, these absurd scenarios are "out of range" now, as it were.

However, we are currently still living in the present with the boring status quo and the cabal infrastructure still intact. So, there's still work to do. We can't just lean back now! A fully stabilized timeline does NOT mean that no more damage can't be done anymore since - you already have guessed it - the cabal has still power!

Similar it will be at the time of the Event: Harmful people won't magically disappear, just because the timeline has been stabilized.

It is similar like WW2:

At some point, the allies knew with 100% certainty that they would win, but nevertheless, they still had to conquer Nazi Berlin and defeat Hitler. After all, the Nazis still believed in their Endsieg until the very last minute... until the war got to the point where even the last German soldier realized that Germany had lost and the Nazis eventually surrendered.

In a similar way it is with the darkforces: 

They still refuse to surrender, but eventually, they will being forced to give up! I dunno, if the darkies also believe in some sort of "Endsieg", but once they have lost enough power, they can't do anything else, but to surrender. (or brutal violence will be used, if necessary)

Unfortunately, the darkforces are extremely stubborn - therefore, all those painful delays.


Thursday, July 27, 2023

UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact


Veil of Reality

UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact

This video explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities.  


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Immutable Divine Plan

Who we are

Several episodes of human history on Earth have come about through succession of extraterrestrial and extra-terrestrial colonies exerting their territorial and cultural influence on planet Earth.

In historical archives lie many answers to questions often asked ‘who we are’, ‘where we came from’ and ‘how we evolved’ to become the beings we are today.

The origins of life go back much further in time, than is commonly known – and still less known as episodes of human history. The exploits begin beyond the boundaries of this planet and originate in star kingdoms, galactic federations, and Extraterrestrial Civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and a few others that are only now being discovered.

Meanwhile, the long-awaited changes have finally arrived! Though not yet as visible as everyone would like, everything is sealed in the Earth Timeline. Many millennia have passed! Many eras have passed! Hundreds of successive incarnations!

Now, you are here to participate in the great spectacle; the transition of Planet Earth from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension! Besides this great event, which is the most important within the Galaxy, the outcome still hinges on the Ascension of part of our humanity. Glorious times are dawning and nothing can stop what is to come!

For this last leg of change, we are in an unchangeable timeline; The old Armageddon predictions will not happen! We are about to experience incredible times.

However, there is still a major obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself;

The most decisive moment for humanity on planet Earth has now arrived. There will be two well-defined Timelines: one will lead part of humanity to the New 5D Earth; the other will lead the remaining part into exile to another 3D planet.

Only a third of present humanity will be able to make this transition. Which will require the necessary ascension ability to complete it; so, unfortunately, the other part will not.

Eventually, we will have a New Cycle and a New Earth. Where, no authority will be superior to our free will and choices. Everyone will be their own judge. No one will interfere with anyone else’s individual preferences.

Then, the Light has won where everyone creates their own reality. The fate of humanity will now be decided. By separating the wheat from the chaff, only 5 Dimensional beings will proceed to this New World. Everything is expected to be completed, cleared and settled between 2025 and 2030.

Where we came from

From the beginning, the Archon bloodline families wanted to dominate the world, that required joining forces of the 13 most influential Archon bloodline families. Professor Adam Weishaupt drew up the plan for this in 1773 at the request of Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

The ultimate goal was, and still is, one world dictatorship with one leader at the top, based in Jerusalem, Israel. To this end, all governments and influential politicians were bribed to participate in this goal, without knowing what it was supposed to lead to.

The real rulers are the invisible Jesuits, Luciferians and Khazars, they exercise their power from behind the scenes.

The crimes of Central Bankers are legendary and more numerous than can be said here. By providing huge loans to almost every country and people, they have become dependent on the Deep State’s ‘secret’ controlling power.

Governments wishing to remain independent were forcefully dealt with and removed; their leaders dethroned. If this was not possible through a political propaganda coup or through economic sanctions, the CIA, Mossad, or military force was used to achieve their goal of subjugating country and people to the New World Order regime.

Consciousness and Unity break the power of the Deep State and its minions. In reality, the mandates and measures against the fake Covid pandemic are eroding the social consciousness of the people. Some understanding is needed, to identify the social engineering programmes of the global elite, and how not to fall victim to these.

The global elite wants 90% depopulation. They want total control and surveillance over every aspect of your life. They want socialism, with power and wealth in their own pockets, in other words communism.

Consciousness and Unity are the direct obstacle against these plans. Now, they want to take away everything of value and imprison the remaining population in camps. They are doing this in the name of preserving planet Earth and improving the climate, which arguments are pertinent lies.

Below, our Exterrestrial correspondent Vital Frosi continues with the latest developments and offers advice on how to successfully complete the transition to 5D


Loved ones!

The more the veils that bedevil human consciousness are lifted, the greater is the ability to understand who we really are and that what we came here to do. Don’t underestimate your innate power. Do not underestimate the greatness of the soul you really are.

I repeat here what has been said so many times before: the secret of this school of souls called Earth has always been the veil of forgetfulness.  Without forgetting who we really are and without knowing our previous incarnations, it is impossible to live in duality and polarity in this 3D world of Action and Reaction.

The rules of the game, that is, of this School, were set before the Planet was created. It is part of the Divine Plans for Worlds.

Even with the arrival of the Archons, nothing has changed with regard to the Greater Plan. It is true that difficulties have increased, but this has also brought an advantage, as it has made this School a reference within the Galaxy and the local Universe.

Fear, doubt, guilt, anger and so many other low-frequency situations were developed from the beliefs imposed by this Archon group that fled the Orion Wars and found shelter on planet Earth. They made Earth their refuge and subjected the present humanity to their whims.

Over the millennia, they created rules and control systems that have persisted to this day. However, it is during the last 26,000 years that they have quartered Earth’s humanity in a system of absolute quarantine. As a result, the fate of souls here on this school was temporarily subjected to the whims of the Archons and their subordinate Oriana races.

Human reptilian hybrids were created to keep the siege of incarnates even tighter. Religions, systems and rules were created and introduced to further condition the already constrained human mind under these veils. By hitherto unknown technologies, brought by the invaders to use as a threat against humanity, when our Galactic Brothers stayed away from Earth all this time.

There have also been many attempts to free humanity, but caution has led to longer waits. To say that the Creator did not have the power to intervene in the situation in favour of the Light is an irony. But there was always the possibility for any fallen soul victim of the Archons, to return to the path of Light.

Humans are naturally loving souls, and because of that love, many Reptilians, Draconians and other Oriana races have returned to the path back home.

What is certain is that nothing and no one can change the Creator’s plans. What happens is that any human race from any sidereal (starry) sphere can change the Timelines of their civilisation and of their destiny as apprentices in that School. And that is what has happened on Earth.

Within the Final Transition of the Planet foreseen since its creation, that is, over a period of about 3 Centuries, Earth’s humanity also had the opportunity to choose its destiny, at the end of this long Cycle. This process began around 1750, and we are now at the end of the last Century of Transition.

So we can say that this is also the last generation before the upheaval of the great Cycle. We are in the last incarnation within duality, subject to the veil of oblivion.

Now everything is accelerating towards the final stretch to the Transition. The Archons and their supporting races have already been removed from the planet. The cleansing is now limited to the Earth’s crust, that is, among the hybrid incarnates. This is the easiest task within the final cleansing, as plasma technologies can no longer be applied.

The Creator has determined that the great learning in this school has ended. Nothing more can be learned within this Veil-restricted Dimension.

The Gamma Light that now arrives will dispel the fog that veils human consciousness. Everything will be revealed. It is the Apocalypse announced from the earliest times. It is the truth revealed, as a charter of freedom, that frees the Planet forever from the rule of Darkness.

Various channels are already bringing a lot of information we could not be acquainted with before. Among these is the certain news that Earth has now been admitted to the Galactic Federation of Light.

This is of an importance as yet incomprehensible to humanity, which is still struggling under the lifting of the veils. But it is reason enough to celebrate with joy and excitement. We have finally been freed from the Darkness and also from the veils of the Third Dimension.

In the coming years, our consciousness will gradually recover the memories of who we really are, what we came here to do, and what the future destiny is of those who have completed the apprenticeship in this 3D-School. Yes, there is also that part of humanity that is not yet ready for ascension. We have talked about this on other occasions.

Now we must leave fear behind. Nothing can stop us on the path of ascension. The Earth already has the vibration and frequency of the Fifth Dimension. It has already earned the right to be part of the Federation of Superior Worlds.

The fear that has always accompanied us must be left behind. As the title of this text says: The one who is afraid stays home. To stay home is to miss the opportunity of the great feast of planetary transition.

There are still those who obey the command implanted by darkness as if they were mental implants. They are serving the purpose they have set for themselves. Unfortunately, they cannot perceive the Light that is coming now. And they still persist in the old purpose of misinformation.

Some even say that the Planetary Transition has been cancelled. As if there is someone with more power than the Creator Himself.

In 2010, the positive frequency reached part of humanity. Necessary to change Earth’s critical mass Timeline. This determined not only the significant progress of the Transition, but also a smoother and more peaceful Planetary Transition, definitively rejecting the Armageddon Timeline.

Nothing and no one can change the Divine Plans determined by the Natural Laws of Worlds.

Do not be fooled by schemers who still take pleasure in those who have no Light. Nothing can stop what is to come. Nothing will stop you from your ascension except yourself.

Where is your fear? If you still have it, it is time to let it go of this limiting energy, for fear is the last door to be opened in this time of planetary transition. This is also the door to your freedom.

Trust the Plan! Trust yourself!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


Frightening truth about pyramids 




Sunday, April 16, 2023

A New Cobra Interview and Portal of Light Booster Meditation

April 15, 2023

A new Cobra interview about the Portal of Light has been just released.

You can read the transcript in English here:


or listen to the video version here:


It has already been translated into many languages.


















And Japanese:




Our Portal of Light Booster meditation will serve as a tool to help us reaching the critical mass on May 1st, and it will happen at the moment of the total / hybrid solar eclipse on April 19th/20th:


The exact time of the meditation will be at 4:17 am UTC on April 20th, and the time for your time zone is posted here:



1) Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2) State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to reach the critical mass of 144,000 people or more meditating for our Portal of Light activation.

3) Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

4) Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, then entering through the Galactic Central Sun of our Galaxy, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5) Visualize this Light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining the Portal of Light activation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number far exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for all sentient beings on Earth and stabilizing the positive timeline. Visualize everybody involved in the meditation being protected and inspired.

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Creation of Mankind

Servants and Workers

The aim was to develop a barely intelligent worker who could use tools, be easily controlled and follow orders. Initially, in the first created Earth humans, the creators left the genetics above the 2nd strand of DNA dormant.

Although the universal purpose of human creation was to make servants and workers for the gods, the ancient clay tablets say that Enki had a loving emotional bond with his human creation. He described them as his blood children and cared for them as such.

After humans were created on earth, there were numerous events where Enki took care of them and protected them from the indifference of his Anunnaki family. Enki made sure to give humans the extra divine spark when he created them, so that they could eventually realise that they were their own God.

Later, in this human creation story; Enki went behind the back of his brother Enlil and family and gave humans in Eden’s paradise the genetic fruit of the Anunnaki tree of knowledge the divine spark of higher consciousness.

When the Annonas started this whole process of creating man, they had absolutely no idea what the result would be. The truth is that they created something far greater than themselves and it also contained the truly divine spark. Enki had upgraded humanity to super intelligent, even higher than the Annonas.

After many discussions by the councils on how to remove the wicked hybrid giant children from the earth, and after Enlil had presented his case against Enki’s earthly people, it was indeed decided by father god Anu to keep the news of the coming earthly calamity hidden from all creatures on earth, in order to exterminate them collectively by the waters of the great flood.

Noah and the Great Flood

After the fate of mankind was decided, Enki did his utmost to save humanity from what was to come. He succeeded, secretly, in saving some of his beloved human creations through Noah and his family, as well as the DNA of the earthly creature, so that the earth could be repopulated after the great flood.

The great winged red destroyer, Nibiru, then came close to the earth, its magnetic force so strong that it completely encapsulated the earth.

As the gods watched from their spaceships above the earth, the huge ice sheets from the north and south plunged into the oceans, and the mighty oceans rose 6 miles into the sky. The ice age was abruptly ended by this great deluge, wiping out all humanity and everything that existed on the earth’s surface.

During the first post-flood period, the waters receded and dry land appeared. The Sirian dynasty landed back on the earth’s surface and immediately began rebuilding their cities and their global gold mining empire.

The new Earthly Being Story is Secret

Enki lamented the disappearance of his human creations; there was much discussion among family members about everything that had happened on Earth. After much thought, Enlil agreed that humans should be recreated, especially since the Anunnaki still needed workers.

It was agreed and recorded by father/king Anu that this new earth man would be less fertile, have a shorter lifespan, and be less conscious than their predecessors.

It was wanted to ensure that the new earth human would never learn the story of what had happened. It was also stipulated that the divine right to rule would be transferred from the Sirian dynasty to hybrid human-earth rulers, from which the Pharaohs and Kings emerged.

This is the actual story of the origins of humanity today, underpinned by prehistory accurately portrayed events. The story is bittersweet and perhaps difficult to digest, but it is the truth that everyone needs to research and digest for themselves at a deeper level.

Below our returning exterrestrial correspondent Vital Frosi reports about the latest developments concerning this story…

Important to Know Who and What You Are


When your higher version of the soul decided to send a fragment of its own consciousness to experience life in the illusion of separation, it already knew the rules of living in a material world of duality, of polarities and oblivion under the dense veils of the Third Dimension.

To recall previous texts, in which Monads – cosmic philosophy  – were already mentioned, in relation to our own superior versions and also about the Fractal of this immense consciousness, which is none other than that of you, as incarnated on Earth right now.

Within the rules of this Terran School, the veil of oblivion is the most important capacity required, for without it, the fragmented soul here would have no possibility of living the experiences of duality and polarity.

Not only the oblivion of who you are, nor where you came from, but also the oblivion of all previous incarnations before the existence of now.

This forgetfulness has made you forget your origin, which in fact makes you feel separated from the Source and all other higher versions of yourself. This illusion of not belonging developed the excessive attachment to matter, man and things.

However, it also developed your inferior self, i.e. the EGO. The ego’s growth produced the illusion of a greater struggle for survival. By not remembering how powerful you actually are, the ego came to tell you that the way to survive is to overpower others.

Having power over everything and everyone would give you better living conditions, while death does not come. No doubt there was also the contribution of the Elite group that has always dominated and controlled humanity. The greater the ignorance and division among humanity, the less revolt against their interests. This is the tactic they have used till date. Namely Divide and Rule!

We are not going to talk today about the Creator’s plans for the Earth and humanity. That has been said before on other occasions. Today we are going to speak about and for you. Yes, it is necessary because time is fast running out as the Old Cycle of the 3D Earth ends.

A New Age is already calling for passage that is going to bring about the emergence of a New Age for humanity on Earth.

The Planetary Transition is not a simple event as many think. This Transition that has already started now is so big that it lasts for about 3 Centuries. We are now at the end of it. And it is at this end that the changes are actually happening with more clarity. Nothing will ever be the same again. All systems will be reset and the beginnings of new systems have already been announced.

Everything you already knew will cease to exist. Instead, the new and better will soon emerge. Try to imagine what it feels like to pass through a Dimensional Portal. You leave a World you already know, and enter a World you have never seen before. You leave the Third Dimension, and enter the Fifth Dimension. You will leave behind a World of trials and reconciliation to enter a much better World of Regeneration.

Although this transition will be rapid, it may take several decades within our linear timeframe. Don’t expect to go to sleep in 3D at night and wake up in 5D in the morning. Also, don’t expect anyone to come and manage this transition for you. Even though the Planet is going to change, you can only live on it, if you have the right frequency for the new 5D Planet Earth.

People ask me how to reach this frequency. I answer that there is no magic formula, nor a single path. All there is is a state of consciousness, which admittedly has to vibrate individually in higher energy waves.

The energy mentioned here represents the vibrations of each person’s emotional body. The emotional body reacts strongly to the sensation of each moment and action exercised by each incarnated consciousness individually.

Remember that the incarnated soul is nothing but a part of the higher consciousness of each human being, as has so often been said, of the Fractal that you are.

The ascension of the soul, depends solely on you. Previously, the ego had to empower itself, even if it was a necessary illusion for survival, now the ascension of consciousness takes a reverse path. It is really the ego’s practised antithesis.

The ego created separation. Now we seek unification and togetherness.

However, it is necessary to understand this togetherness. There is no connection with that which seeks to control us today, by imposing norms, values and rules, which often prove more than they actually separate rather than enclose.

The great secret of this School of Souls is precisely to allow each soul to live a different character in each incarnation. Therefore, we have accepted the experience of living in a world of duality and polarity.

The time of this learning process is now over. Souls now urgently need to feel the changes and begin to remember who they really are. The more the transpersonal memories take over your consciousness, the more you will remember and begin to feel the increase in your frequency.

Such memories make it easier for you to understand the big moment each soul is experiencing now. If it felt separated from Source before, it also feels separated from everything and everyone.

Now it begins to feel the connection, not only with the Source, but also with all divine creation.

You have already noticed this. You have realised that other people are in a different vibration, but you are beginning to realise that everyone took a different path to get here. You realise that as you bring your experience to your higher soul versions, so do others. And now you also understand that each individual experience leads to Source.

At the Source, We Are All One

There at the Source, we are all one. Your lived experiences are integrated into the whole consciousness of your Monad, and also into the consciousness of the other Monads. And so it is with the experiences of all the other Fractals incarnated here. This individualised consciousness, is going to be collectively aggregated for all souls, all Supersouls, and all Spirits of the infinite Cosmos.

If Source creates everything, that Source is God Himself. If you are a seed of that Source, you are a miniature of the Source, so you are also a version of God. When it is said that we are all one with Source, we are also saying that we are all co-creators of everything that exists in the infinite Universe. You helped create Planets, Stars and Galaxies.

You helped create everything here on Earth that is in the environment now. You are part of the consciousness of every plant species; of every animal race; of every mineral. You belong to every thing that exists here. There is no separation and there never has been. Nothing that exists is isolated from the cosmic energy of Source. And if you are a miniature of that Source, everything is within you, and you are all that is.

The path of ascension runs through the understanding of this connectedness. When you consciously understand this, you will be ready for the New Earth. For that is the greatest lesson you are about to experience. You have always felt separated until now, but now begins the time of reintegration of all your scattered parts.

This integration with the whole needs support. I have already spoken here about the tripod: of unconditional love, compassion and respect for everything and everyone.

However, we can add all the predicates that elevate, such as gratitude, joy, forgiveness, understanding, charity, solidarity, cooperation and many others.

When we truly feel these good vibrations pulsating within us, we reach the highest frequency, the very one that allows us to pass through the Gates of Ascension.

Competition, domination, submission and imposition, create the opposite frequency, because they vibrate strongly in the 3D energies. And that frequency, prevents that soul from making the ascension. That is the frequency that does not belong.

To belong or not to belong is up to you. No one, but no one is held responsible for your decisions. Not anymore, because we are in a time of consciousness expansion, allowing us to discern things.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


To motivate humanity; Start spreading this important message. The more followers understand where today’s time is heading, the faster the final breakthrough to full liberation of planet Earth will begin. Which has now become a fait accompli. – When asked when this will happen, the answer is as soon as the mob rises up!

Spread the word for the sake of us all.


Sunday, February 12, 2023

Planet Earth moves in 5D New Era

The new earth is born

Current events that many can already observe are converging towards the completion of the planetary cycle. Every day more and more information arrives, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear understand this upheaval. Everything is converging in the same direction, confirmation that we are indeed in the great planetary change towards the 5th Dimension.

The new earth is born and with it a new humanity. If previously the word Apocalypse caused goosebumps for most, now there is plenty of understanding, comfort and confidence in the future to provide.

The new Light came to Earth at the end of 2012 and brought in higher energies, beginning the Aquarian Age, moving our Planet into the Fifth Dimension.

Everything is accelerating now! What used to take centuries now shows itself in months or a single year. An Apocalypse that used to cause fear now begins to inspire confidence, because it is nothing but the revelation of what was hidden. It is the window that opens, allowing Light to illuminate its surroundings and show the reality that could not be perceived before.

One by one, this Light dissolves the veils of forgetfulness as human consciousness begins to remember everything. They will remember who they are, where they came from and why they came here on Earth.

They will remember past lives but also have knowledge of the future. They will activate all innate knowledge since the time this consciousness was integrated into their Super Soul. It will indeed be a time of revelations!

Everything will be exposed! And what is coming is so great why it could not come earlier because our limited consciousness cannot absorb this reality.

The fruit cannot be picked earlier or it will be lost. Nor can it be picked too late, or it may rot on the stem. The moment of revelation is now.


The Anunnaki dark powers, have enjoyed unlimited freedom on planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. But now face our helpful alien brothers and sisters, our Light Forces, the digital Soldiers and Patriots. Through their great effort, progress has been made, to remove these negative forces from planet Earth for good. It were the negative forces that sabotaged positive initiatives and made it impossible to break the negative isolation. But that has now ended for good.

On Earth, we have found help from the extraterrestrial Palladians with their inherent desire to activate spiritual and mental forces in the world. They are narrowly connected to the world of Lightworkers.

Palladians encourage valuable efforts, joy, light and love on our world to further our ascension in order to enter the 5D world.

Extraterrestrials are able to bring great advancement in the mental and spiritual consciousness of people on planet Earth. Know, that Palladians and Earthlings are similar in many ways.

Palladians live and come from the constellation of stars known as the Pleiades. There are seven stars in the Pleiades. They come from a star called Taygete, which is home to the planet Erra.

The sleepers have to convince themselves to believe and see who their real enemy and tyrants are. In a nutshell; the Covid pandemic is a propaganda lie to wipe out humanity on Earth.

Lies and Deception

The sooner humanity wakes up and sees the lies and deception, the better it will be for all of us. Don’t be modest; let this be a challenge for everyone to join in to materialise our maximum potential.

Our planet is thoroughly polluted by huge amounts of toxic chemicals, radiations, lies, deception, disinformation, distortion, fake news, etc. Supported by half-truths, fraud, falsified images, deceptive mirages, propaganda and above all brainwashing.

Our physical body is “thoroughly poisoned and polluted” caused by radiation and air pollution, as well as heavy metals and dangerous toxins through pharmaceutical drugs and foods. All this is stored in the human organism, requiring physical detoxification.

The great upheaval has begun! This process can no longer be stopped! Both from above and below, energies are converging on Earth. This is, for many thousands of years, the long-awaited moment. To move forward into our new 5D-World!

First, Russia is preparing for the unification of nations by merging nations that were once part of the Federation supplemented by some that were not before.

NATO and the Khazarian CIA, know they cannot defeat a strong Russia and that their elitist lifestyle is at risk. Some Khazars have tried to hoard money in other countries to secure their wasteful lifestyle. The end for them is coming as they are being hunted and tracked down globally by military forces scouring our planet with technologies that track each of them.

The Deep State cabal has been finally defeated, what is left are cabal puppets and their cronies, each of whom will now be removed before most of humanity wakes up.

Turnaround has begun

Know; the new world is already a reality; the upheaval has begun right before your eyes. Wasn’t that originally your choice too? Start forgetting everything you learnt before and forget it for good.

Get a totally new perspective on life, and discover the real truths. Have love for our new beautiful world with real freedom, which brings you closer to our Father/Mother God. It is important to know that the worst evil is over and will never return.

Everyone’s job now is to pass on this good message to everyone else you know. Help them raise awareness. And restore the confidence that each has ever had!

These will be decisive moments in this final phase of planetary transition. These revelations are not understood by all, but at least by a part of humanity, enough to guide the rest. You are one of those selfless Lightworkers incarnated on Earth, to bring about this transition. With a thousand years of preparation, it is known why you have come.

It is no coincidence that you have incarnated at this time for this Planetary Transition and Soul Elevation. The total cosmic cellular memory is being restored. The veils of forgetfulness are being dissolved as a result. To bring to life the innate knowledge in consciousness. You are a beacon of light on this path for others.

All will be exposed and revealed! First for you and next for the other woken ones. Later for other awakened ones. You, belong to a great army of awakeners, to occupy the whole Planet and lead others.

Everything will be intense and profound. The new energies will break through the bars that have held Earth captive for a long time. Your light will guide those who will open their eyes.

Many will need your help. Even those who do not yet know what their mission is. They are learning what needs to be done, it comes from within. It is as if you have always known! It is as if you have never forgotten! Everything will reveal itself as a magical compass.

It will undoubtedly be a great event!  It will be the event that will be much talked about but little is known now. And it will not stop at a single event; many cascading events will follow, ultimately showing a New 5D-Earth and with a New Humanity.

The Old Cycle closes. The fears dissolve. The Earth is liberated. The Gamma Light intensifies. Consciousness is expanded. Truths are displayed. Limited beliefs dissolve into the Light.

All this may seem frightening, but in reality it will be a time of joy for humanity on Earth and in all parts of the Galaxy.

Oblivion disappears, the soul of every incarnated mortal reveals itself! A naked soul can hide nothing. Everyone knows the best-kept secrets of the other. It will be understood that everything was an experience in the life theatre of Great Duality.
